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Need to set base timing on the ECUmaster EMU BLACK.

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Need to set base timing on the ECUmaster EMU BLACK. Maybe I missed it in the videos, but I can't seem to find the instructions for adjusting the base timing, nor the setting for turning off the injectors only but keeping the spark signal for the timing light. At the moment, I regret having moved the CPS adjustment position from where it was prior to the EMU install, because the car worked fine with the stock ECU. However, when I put the EMU black in the with the same settings that my car was starting fine on the stock ECU, the timing light was now showing negative timing and the car would not start. So in an attempt to correct that, I moved the adjustment on the CPS. Now I'd like to put it back to its original place and figure out where in the software I can change that timing angle. Can someone share that info please? Thanks.

You need to adjust "First trigger tooth" and "Trigger Angle" in the Primary Trigger menu. If you tell us what engine it is, we might help you more than that.

Thank you Frank. The engine is a 7MGTE in a 1989 Toyota Supra Turbo. I have the stock harness in place with an ECUmaster Plug and Play Harness Adapter and the EMU Black.

The other info I need how to disable either the fuel pump or injectors in the software so as to not flood the engine while cranking.

I'm not familliar with the 7MGTE so I can't help more than that for the trigger settings.

To disable injectors : In the menu on the left, go to "Fueling" - "Injectors" then "Injector Phase" and set every one to disabled. Pro tip : take a picture before changing the settings so you can revert back when you are done!

Another easy way to disable injection is simply to unplug the injectors.

Thank you both for your replies. I managed to get the car running after I put back the stock ECU and manually adjusted the CPS until I got a 10 Degree reading from the timing light. After that, I put the EMU Black back in and locked the Ignition Angle at 15 degrees which I figured would at least show up as 5 degrees with the timing light. From there, I incrementally adjusted the Trigger Angle in the software down from 48 which is what the base map delivered, to 44 which is where the laptop reading, and the timing light matched.

No I have to figure out why the OEM tach is reading around 300 to 400 RPMs higher than the RPMs on the Laptop screen. Aside from the higher values, the stock Tach is also bouncing around a bit while idling. I see that Pin G20 on the EMU Black is labeled Aux4/Tacho, however, the PnP harness that they supplied for my car does not have that connection made/nor labeled. This could be because with the OEM setup, the ignitor send out the Tacho signal, and I'm still using the factory igniter. I still need to figure out how to correct this.

I have another question for you all... Aside from changing the fuel injector size and deadtime, what else can I do to adjust the basemap that was delivered so that it more closely approximates my fuel needs? The basemap was configured using 550cc injectors, and my current injectors are 680cc, which is roughly 19% larger. Is it as simple as highlight the entire VE table and lower the basemap values by 19%?

In theory you should not have to change the VE (if it was actually tuned -- I would never assume a basemap was tuned). Can you find your new injectors in the Injector Wizard (Fueling>Injectors>Injector Wizard)? Or something close. Then tune the VE table.

ok, thanks for that info. My injectors are not in the wizard, so I left the default setting in the wizard and manually inputted the size and deadtime for the injectors. I'm coming from an AEM V-1 which was pulsewidth based tuning, so I'm not yet familiar with the VE based tuning system.

You can enter your injector size manually in Fueling > General

The injector wizard is only for the battery offset if I recall. You can enter your injector data in Fueling > Injectors > Injector cal.

And as David said, you shouldn't have to change your VE table if the injectors are correctly calibrated.

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