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Increasing Rail pressure for better atomisation of fuel

Diesel Tuning Fundamentals

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If increasing the rail pressure for better atomisation but wanting the delivery amount to remain the same is there a calculation that can easily work this out ?

If the injector is unable to get good atomisation at lower fuel pressure it unlikely it will do it at hi fuel pressure as the fuel simply will hit the wall a lot easier.

On some engines we keep the injection duration to crank angle the same over RPM by increasing fuel pressure as on others more modern engine we go up very fast in fuel pressure.

Things to take into account are compression ratio piston dome shape and nozzle size and number of holes. This all is needed as it will take time and a load of heat to convert from fuel to gaseous state and on a diesel it’s a good balance to get this working as it dos not have an active ignition source like a sparkplug.

For angle calculation you can use this (360*enginespeed)/(60*1000)*mainpw1/1000

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question ,Much appreciated !

Do not forget that increasing the fuel pressure makes it much harder for fuel pump and it can hit it's production limit if voltage is not high enough...

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