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High impedance injectors tuned w/ resistor box left in

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If the factory resistor box is left plugged in, and high impedance injectors are installed, does this pose a problem with the tune? I have a 1993 Nissan skyline GTR that was tuned this way, without the resistor box being deleted, and high impedance selected in the injector settings in the Haltech ESP. My tuner stated this shouldn't be an issue, but just wondering if there are potential problems that may arise from not deleting the resistor box.

in the perfect world, it would have been nice to have it out before the tune, i have seen many cars done like this with no issues at all, and these cars have been running like it for years and going very nicely too.

If you do pull it out now it will need the fuel map redone to allow for the injector characteristic change.

Regards Ross

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