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Innovate lm2 not working on evoscan

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Hey guys,

I'm having a problem getting my innovate lm2 wideband to show up on evoscan so that i can log. I currently have the lm2 connected to the PC via the USB connector and I am able to see the reading on the log works software but on evoscan it isn't showing up at all....it's saying it's not seeing any wideband on comm port but the lm2 isn't even on a comm port to begin with and I don't know if it's even possible to assign it to one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

I personally haven't tried connecting the LM2 into Evoscan although I have heard of issues when people can't seem to get it going and used ECUEdit or something similar instead.

I only managed to get it to work through a serial to usb converter because Windows will assign a COM port to the converter... Never directly.

Yep well I only just realised that there is a separate serial output cable that didn't come with the kit, you have to buy that separately.....I just bought it so I'm waiting for it. Also got a serial to USB converter.....hoping with that the issue is fixed and evoscan can then see it.

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