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Stainless Filler Sticking

Motorsport TIG Welding Fundamentals

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I recently started practicing on coupons. I started with Carbon and recently moved with Stainless (304). I'm having an issue with stainless that I did not have with Carbon steel. The filler rod wants to stick slightly every now and then. This often results in dragging the coupon and messing with my rhythm. It feels like I have to be a lot more precise with how much and where I place the filler (something I am still working on). Is this normal for stainless? Setup below:

Coupon: 1/8th" 304 stainless (3.17mm)

Filler: 316L 1.6mm

Amps: 110

Control: Foot Pedal

Cup: #12 FUPA gas lens @ 24cfh

Thanks in advance.


The filler sticking in the puddle is due to it being too cold. It is going from a solid to a liquid and back to solid very quickly. Every dab changes the temp of the weld pool and there could be many reasons why this is happening. looking at your specs above. material thickness, filler material and gas flow all seem ok.

my suggestion would be to try different angles to feed your filler in or change when your adding filler in. The more exotic materials all have their own little problems and a less forgiving than your carbon steels.

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