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1992 JZS147 Aristo - EMU BLACK A340E AUTO TRANS

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Good afternoon Everyone,

I am working on a Jzs147 and will be installing a EMU black. I understand i need to keep to factory ECU to control the transmission.

Coils , Injectors , Knock , IAT , MAP ect will all get wired to the black

Triggers do they get wired to the black, the stock ecu will not need these to control trans?

Coolant temp , Piggy back as im fairly certain the stock ECU will need to see this

TPS , Does this stay controlled by the factory ECU and piggy back so the black also knows TPS?

What all does the factory ECU require to still operate the transmission?

Hi Tyler, unfortunately I haven't done this particular job so it's hard for me to say exactly what you do and don't need in the factory ECU. I would expect that you'll need the triggers and the TPS input so these signals will need to be shared. You are possibly fine with ECT and IAT as the factory ECU would register a fault which shouldn't stop it driving. If you want to share those signals then you'll need to wire them to an AV input or an AT input if you can disable the pull up (I can't recall off the top of my head if the AT pull ups can be turned off in the software)

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