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Haltech ECU Control for Aftermarket AC System

PDM Installation & Configuration

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First forum post, would like to say THANK YOU as this community has been a great source of information.

I am in the middle of laying out the harness for my RB25 240Z and wanted to get clarity on how the AC compressor needs to be wired into my Haltech Nexus R5. There is an "AC Switch Request Input" and an "AC Output". I am running a Vintage Air AC system in the car with one of their switch panels. Attached is the wiring diagram for both the Haltech setup and the Vintage Air layout. I would like to utilize the two benefits of having the AC wired to the ECU - increase idle when compressor kicks on and cut the compressor under high loads.

Can I get someone to confirm where the AC switch request input and the AC output need to be spliced in? I apologize if this is a very basic/obvious question.

Attached Files

I think all your wiring into going to go to the "blue" wire circuit going the the A/C Clutch. I would consider putting a relay inline with the relay, letting the A/C Output control the relay (so power one side when the fan is on, and control the ground with the ECU). A/C Compressor side of the relay power line (ie the existing blue wire) would be connected to your A/C input to tell you the A/C was active.

Good Luck!

Thank you David for the response.

I think I'm following you. I threw together a rough image of what I gathered from your recommendation. Can you confirm this is what you're after?


Attached Files

Exactly what I was thinking.

Thank you David!

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