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Missing module attachments

Practical Corner Weighting

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Corner Weighting

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It appears that none of the attachments mentioned for the corner weighting course, are available under the relevant modules.

Hi Dan,

Sorry these are missing for you, I'll chase this up now for you. Can you let me know which modules have missing resources and I'll get it sorted.



Hello Tim,

The modules missing attachments are:

- Cross Weight Percentage (set up sheet)

- Ramps (blueprints for ramps)

- Step 3 (of the 6 Six Step Process). Initial Corner Weight Measurement (set up sheet, although I am guessing it is the same as the first one mentioned)

Hi Dan,

I apologise for how long it has taken for me to sort these resources for you.

Attached you will find the drawings, DXF (for profile cutting if you are doing it this way) and the setup sheet.

I'll get these uploaded to the course pages too.

Thanks for your patience, Tim

Attached Files

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