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HP tuners user defined parameters

Practical Diesel Tuning

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Hello, trying to tune my 2012 6.7 cummins but the previous owner has already installed an off the shelf tuner and deleted the truck, I cant read the file off of it to modify the maps so I have to start with the stock file. now on the stock file its thinking that the EGR and DPF is still there. I read that with user defined parameters I would be able to disable the algorithms. How and where would I even start? I also have an ecodiesel that is still fully emissions intact and i plan to keep it that way, Im not trying to delete another truck just trying to see how I can make what I got work.

on a second topic, how would I go about reducing soot formation with tuning on my ecodiesel? I see that with advanced timing there is a trend for less PM but that also dramatically increases NOx and may throw a code, is there ways to tune pre/post injection to deal with that?


I cannot help you with the Delete file/params.

With regard to the soot formation, the most impactful table you can adjust is the mixture limit table. This table limits how rich the engine is allowed to run during transient operation, which is where the majority of your soot production occurs. You can raise the mixture limits by .05-.1 at a time to force the engine into slightly leaner operation. You may trade off some response but the balance is yours to find.

Altering timing, fuel pressure, or EGR rates is sure to upset the NOx sensors and Urea system unless you're recalibrating those as well (which is a quite an advanced topic).

Hope this is helpful,


It is totally understandable Im sorry for even asking about delete files and parameters. Its just the truck I got dealt with.

On the note of my EcoDiesel however, Ive been tuning it for the past two days and I have not seen any of those tables or parameters you mentioned. Only Timing and Fuel pressure is to be found.

I have came across another problem and that is it does not matter what I do I can not get the engine to inject more than around 86mg of fuel which is just a little over stock, and in my frustration I started tinkering with the transmission instead, I got the results I wanted but whenever I went WOT it cut the truck off flashed lights at me and gave me codes like

Internal Control Module Torque Calculation Performance

Internal Control Module Fuel Injector Control Performance

I then reverted my steps but the problem didnt go away until I flashed the stock calibration for both engine and transmission back. So Im hoping its just a tune issue and nothing mechanical. I still can not find anything else that would be limiting torque or fuel quantity and VCM scanner seems to think my truck runs at 0.4 lambda at cruise on both stock and modified files. I have attached the stock and modified calibration and the Log for that first run where the truck cut out.


There are 5 Lambda maps, perhaps you can ask your tuning software supplier to add them. In the upper right hand corner of my picture you'll see the 'toyota camry' table as I like to call it. If actual torque varies from expected by more than this percentage the vehicle will set the codes you mentioned and basically shut down to prevent loss of throttle control.

Hope this helps,

Attached Files
  • WKII-3.0-Ecodiesel-Lambda-and-Torque-offset.jpg
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

I will ask HPtuners to add those tables, as well as the engine allowed torque difference table.


This table looks very similar to the one you have posted but the columns and rows are flipped and there's a lot less columns and I have RPM instead of numbers 1-8 on the X axis. Do you think this is what we are looking for here? If you are able to explain in detail on how the toyota camry table works that would be amazing.

The Torque offset basically looks at expected maximum torque vs. actual torque and calculates a percentage difference. If the difference is more than 12% it will shut you down and set the diagnostic. Raising the values will allow a wider offset.


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