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Fuel map zones

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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Hi all,

In the practical reflash course, André illustrates multiple times a fuel map devided into zones - Basicly where to apply more or less fuel. Is this illustrated map available somewhere?


i suspect you're referring to the guideline we show in the understanding AFR course where we break the engine operation into zones? Specifically it's detailed in this particular module - https://www.hpacademy.com/dashboard/courses/understanding-afr/the-afr-target-map-the-afr-target-map

Is there something specific you wanted to know about it?

Hi Andre,

Yes, that’s the one!

I completede the training courses and is about to do my first remapping. I wanted to adjust the fuel maps according to this illustration.

In one of the videoes, you actually make the fuel map almost flat, basicly having the AFR the same at all loads and rpm. Is that okay? Or should I follow the illustration where the AFR gradually builds up (like you typically see a fuel map)


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