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Ghost cam tuning

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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What changes do I need to apply for ghost cam tuning in 2018+ F150 ford specifically using hp tuners software. I know the more overlap at idle the more choppy sound but don't know how and which table under VCT tap. I attached the calibration file as well. Thanks

Attached Files

Hi Hassan and apologies for the slow reply. Unfortunately I haven't done any tuning personally on your specific vehicle and haven't tuned a ghost cam strategy. However the HP Tuners F150 worked example will still help you as the VCT control still uses the same strategy. Essentially what you need to do is create more overlap in the cam timing in the idle region. This can be achieved by advancing the intake cam and retarding the exhaust cam. How far you will need to go will depend on how aggressive you want the idle to be. There are also dozens of threads on this including some sample calibrations on the HP Tuners forum that may be helpful for you.

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