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Ignition Advance Tuning in the Cruise Area of the Ignition Map

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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Dear HPA community, I took a separate tuning course some years back where the instructor had an extensive record of tuning and a ton of experience with all kinds of cars. He had mentioned a tune for my car where he added ignition advance to a small area in the cruising area of the ignition map. He had also mentioned that since my car has VANOS that this system will apply the tune better to the high load regions. After watching and taking notes of the HPA courses, I was wondering what your opinions might be on this topic. Does tuning in the cruise area actually give more power or is it just blowing smoke? If it did offer good results, in what driving situations would this be in? Thank you all for your time.

there is no answer, "added ignition advance" but from what values are you starting from? it all depends how the original map is tuned, I'm assuming we're talking about oem ecu..

no clue what he meant that VANOS will "apply" to tune better?

I am alwayes getting more torque from adding Timing at partial throttle and that aproved by a dyno.

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