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VE Table

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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I am having a hard time understanding my VE table. Its ratio Vs. RPM. Example: A ratio of 1.05 @ 1568 rpm = 90 How was this value calculated? My FA .0694

How about some clues as to what Engine / ECU / Software you are using?

its a dodge srt-4 2.4l turbo, Ecu is NGC3 (SD ECU), software is HP Tuner.

I haven't tuned any Dodge ECUs myself however a quick search suggests that this is simply pressure ratio and defined as (baro pressure + manifold pressure) / baro pressure = pressure ratio. You should be able to confirm this via logging the individual PIDs for yourself.

Thank you for you're help.

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