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Professional Motorsport Data Analysis: Step 7: Post Event

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Step 7: Post Event


00:00 - Step 7 is all about the post event.
00:02 Now what we mean by post event is going through and looking at all of your notes, all of your data in detail after you've finished the event.
00:10 So what typically happens after you've done your last race for the weekend or your last test session, whatever it is, usually at that point you're much more focused on just getting everything loaded into the track or the trailer, packing up and getting out of there.
00:22 Now it is a really important step to go ahead and analyse all of your data in more detail in a more calm environment.
00:29 So obviously the race track is a bit of a stressful environment, you are definitely always time limited, you're usually trying to maximise your time on track so spending that time post event to be able to go through things in a less time pressured way is a really important step to make sure you're getting both the most out of the driving but also to get the most out of the reliability of the car, So what I typically do, usually a day or 2 after I finish the event, I'll sit down with my notes from the weekend, I'll sit down with my data and I'll go through any points of interest.
00:58 To start with, I absolutely want to go through all of the reliability channels.
01:01 So it's a really similar process to what we went through when we were looking at the main reliability report during the race weekend.
01:08 But just going through that in much more detail, maybe digging into any more areas of interest, just really making sure we're not missing anything there that might cause us problems at the next event, it's really important to go through and spend the time because it is surprising how often when you're in a less time pressured environment going through that data, you often do find strange things that crop up whether it's maybe the battery voltage slowly dropping or maybe an irregularity in your oil pressure or whatever it is, you often find little things creeping in and having the ability to go back and look at those before you go and run the car on track next time is a really big advantage because we all know track time's expensive, you want to be maximising it while you're there so give yourself the chance to catch those things before you head to the track next time.
01:54 The other thing is looking at the performance aspect.
01:56 So it's a really similar process to what we were doing at the track but we obviously want to have a good look, particularly at that last race or run of the day because chances are you didn't have a lot of time at the track to look at it in a lot of detail so you probably want to go through and start doing some overlays as you've moved through the race weekend, maybe particularly between the second to last and that last session, have a real good look at the gains you made, after you've gone through that last section of data, you probably want to go through and make some notes.
02:25 So using your pre event notes that you've gone through as far as the goals you want to work on, the things that went well, the things that didn't go well at a previous event, compare those to the most recent event that you've just finished, how did you go compared to those goals? And this is also a really good time to go through and set some ideas that you want to work on for the next event.
02:44 So whether that's driving things, whether that's maybe some upgrades to the car, whether it's maybe some settings or some setup or some wheel alignment changes, whatever it is, now is the time to go through and make notes on those while it's all fresh in your head.
02:58 So that's it for the application of the 7 step process.
03:01 Now even if this particular logging system doesn't apply to you, both in terms of the car or the logger itself, it really doesn't matter, the way we've laid out that process you should hopefully be able to see how it's applicable to your case as well.
03:14 Just follow those steps through and hopefully you would have taken something useful away from this worked example.

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