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Boost by gear

Boost Control

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Discussion and questions related to the course Boost Control

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Hello I have a 03 mazda protege with a haltech elite 550.

Iv been trying to figure out this boost by gear. so I can try to build a little more boost in first gear. But I need to sort out the wiring for the speed sensor and or gear detection.

So my first question is- do I need both vss and gear detection wired into my haltech for the boost by gear to work?

Second question is- when I select the vehicle speed sensor tab on the haltech software it will show me the wire that I'm supposed to use. Which is the (DPI1) but Im already using this input for my 2 step I have it wired into the (aux Rpm limiter)

So could I use another output or input wire for this function to work or does it have to be a specific input like (dpi1)

And third - where would I get gear detection from, I have two connectors on my transmission one is a neutral safety switch so I'm guessing the other one can be used for the gear detection possibly??

But also what wire coming from the haltech should be for the gear detection ?

-(List of available inputs and outputs) - I have left to use are






thanks for any input

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