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CANBus Communications Decoded

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Discussion and questions related to the course CAN Bus Communications Decoded

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I saw that you used the excel function Concatenate in one of the modules. (I used to teach accounting and this often involved some complex working with spread sheets) I found most people could not remember the function "Concatenate" and found the following much easier to remember and use.

where A1 is "Hello" and A2 is "World"

the cell with the much easier to remember = A1&" "&A2

becomes "Hello World.

Just a suggestion.

I was told CAN Bus was "Magic don't try to understand it." but half way through your course it is clearly not. But a great computer system that is not too hard to understand.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestion

Cheers for that James, a really good tip!

Everything is magic till you understand it, and you'll find that most of the time it's far simpler than you thought it would be. It was just the magician trying to keep his secrets secret that talked up the complication!

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