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Relays and Fuses

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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I purchased a switch panel that came with its own pre-wired relay/fuse box, but I'm a little suspect of the way it is wired. It has the fuses between the battery and pin 30 of the relays. Will this work? I always thought you wanted the fuse between pin 87 and the device?.



If the fuse is upstream of the relay then it protects the relay against overcurrent as well, not just the wiring to the device that is controlled.

Got it, thank you!

Hi, I still confuse. Which way should I follow. Fuse it between battery and pin 30 or fuse it between pin 87 and load?

Fuse between Battery and Pin 30 will protect both the relay and wiring from a short circuit -- that is what you should do if you're going to use fuses.

Ok, thank you, but why in the document on the wiring course, they put fuse between pin 87 and load?

Because both are acceptable solutions.

Got it, thank you.

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