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Engine Building Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Engine Building Fundamentals

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hi just finished your engine building fundamentals course. i have enjoyed watching your videos and found the to be easy to understand think i shod of done the practicals course. a few things that could be better or improved 1 being able to watch the videos continuous without having to press next all the time 2 some kind of small test or questionnaire at the end of the course to make sure things have sunk in just a suggestion. keep up the good work looking forward to watching you practical videos next then the real good stuff ecu tuning

I agree, although having short concise lessons is easier for research, or going back for specific topics it can be annoying. I stream from tablet to tv / Roku and watch from a pc connected to tv often. A method that would allow a more continuous stream would be convenient.

Yes, both points are valid and we plan to address both in the near future. The ability to watch individual modules is great when you want to come back to just watch one topic again, however we're considering a 'watch all' button or something similar.


Just adding that this is a feature I would like also. [bump]

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