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Haltech Platinum PRO Plug-in ECU and HKS V-Cam

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Looking to purchase a Haltech Platinum PRO Plug-in ECU for my R33 Skyline GTR. Running a step-2 HKS V-cam with the stock controller currently. My question is, does anyone know if I will be able to control a V-Cam with the Plug-in Pro ECU once it is wired in? Now on the specs sheet, "VCT switched" is supported for OEM functionality on RB25s. If a RB26 is recognized, will I still be able to use that function and control the HKS V-cam? Thank you for your time.


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Hello there is no issue doing this, Vcam Uses Nissan VQ control valve and Cam position sensor and as Haltech have 350Z and R35 Plugins the triggering all works

Regards Ross

Awesome, thank you for the information!

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