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Building a torque curve with an inertia dyno?

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Unfortunately, I don't have access to a rolling road type of dyno. The only dynos available in my area are Mustang or Dyno Jet. My understanding is that they do have an eddy current brake but do not have the ability to do steady state tuning. Where would you recommend I begin, with these limitations? I have added 2 knock sensors to my own car this year for some added safety. My engine is 9:1 compression and I have a DCR of 7:1. I know on 93 octane, I wont be knock limited below 100kpa and I'd like to get that part of my tune dialed in before I start ramping the boost in. Any suggestions on where to begin?

Mustang dyno are eddy current brakes and do steady state just fine. I know.. I own an md250. Great dyno ;)

Thanks for responding 13bjunkie. Apparently I was given bad info, or the worker (not the owner) at the dyno shop didn't know it's capability.

I found a shop today that has a dyno dynamics dyno and I may be able to rent it from him in the coming weeks.

a DynoJet dyno with eddy current brakes is also able to do steady state ignition tuning ;)

While the majority of dynojet dynos seem to be inertia, certainly they do produce dynos with load control too that can do proper steady state tuning. Unfortunately on an inertia dyno you're really limited to dialling the fuel/ignition in under WOT only. The dyno dynamics should be a good option for your tuning though.

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