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inacurate ignition timing on haltech

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ive built a 2.6 4 cyl Mitsubishi engine with haltech. it runs a 4 tooth trigger 1 tooth home hall effect rising edge.

i set the correct ignition angle with it locked on 10 deg and it is very accurate. but when its running the timing is quiet out compared to what the table is saying.

i can correct it with the overall ignition timing correction but i feel as if this is a bit of a patch up fix.

it is a brand new dizzy and i tested the hall effect sensors and they are both bringing up 5v just fine.

could this be an issue due to only having 4 trigger teeth, or possibly i need to up the filter level?

help appreciated

4 teeth per 720? You can't expect much from that. Even 12 tooth crank triggers are considered poor now, 6 times the density.

Edit, just make sure it is using the correct trigger edge. As that will cause a shift with rpm at steady speed.

You need make sure there are no IGN compensations taking place (IAT , IDLE, Water temp). Timing wont always follow the map if there are other compensations/trims in place.

If your getting your crank degree from your camshaft do not ever expect accuracy

G'day Jay. Can you give us some more details on the setup? What engine is it? Is the engine speed signal coming from the dizzy aswell, or just the sync signal?

When you say Mitsubishi, and 2.6, my mind jumps to a 4g54?

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