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Innovate DLG-1, unstable lambda signal

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Hi there!

I have had great answers here from all you so im hitting an other weird thing. The lambda signal's from the innovate's are really variable. There is about 10% difference within some 100 milliseconds. I have attached a screenshot and a log file. This variation seems to occur in waves of about 40 seconds. Power comes from a switched 12v and ground goes to the ecu sensor ground. ground was attached to the chassis and i thought this was the issue. But now its on the ecu sensor ground and no change.

Maybe you guy's have an idea? thanks in advance!

Kind regards!


Attached Files
  • wave-lambda.png
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Could be the truth. I understand that OEM strategies vary fuel mixture as part of maximizing Catalytic Converter efficiency. What is the ECU and vehicle? Does the lambda value reach a steady value under load at a higher engine speed?

I have heard discussion about the Innovate wideband controllers showing a difference in lambda depending on what the heater circuit is doing but I've never seen it myself. If you use the LM Programmer software and slow down the sample rate this may also help provide a smoother lambda trace.

Hi there!

thanks for your reply. Totally forgot to mention the setup. Its a nissan 350z with build vq35 and a single turbo(gt35) setup. id1050 injectors with a return kit on a haltech piggy bag.

I see that in between of the "waves" the signal is much cleaner.

Attached a view of the signal at 4000 rpm. In my opinion still quite choppy. Im interested in your opinion :)

Kind regards,


Attached Files


Thanks for this insight! It indeed can be the sample rate. I'll see of i can reduce this and this gives me a better view. Right now with a 10% difference spectrum its hard to deliver a good and save tune.

Kind regards,


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