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introducing a cam position sensor

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Hi. Could someone help me please? I struggle with memory from suffering a stroke 3 years ago. I cannot remember when introducing a cam position sensor for sequential firing, what position it should be relative to crank position. My car a BMW E30 M3 S14 2.3. I have just finished rebuilding it and put it on DTA T4 management. The Cam sensor kit cam from VAC motorsport in the states. The pick up for the hall cam sensor fits on what would of been the rotor arm drive on the exhaust cam, this has a dowel on it and the vac motorsport drive has multiple holes so can fit in any position, any advice would be deeply appreciated as my stroke brain is getting the better of me

Thanks in advance. Pete

Most ECU's allow you to specify the position of the cam sensor, have you checked the software?

Hi Denis, firstly, thank you for taking your time to reply. The ecu has on cam sensor options, crank tooth for cam sync with a choice of 0 to 60.



Got a a screen capture of the page on the software. Been a while since I had a DTA ECU but the software was usually self explanatory.

Yes, I have attached a picture. it is something I shouldn't probably be attempting having a brain injury but have been let down time and time again during the engine rebuild so have done it myself.

thank you. Pete

Attached Files

I think you'll get the best support from DTA direct (Alex or Rob). One good way to work with them is through their support forum:


They will probably ask you to use the oscilloscope function (whatever it's called in their software), and send them the resulting file. I think they can tell from that, what the proper tooth (0-60) to use is.

Gotta say, the manual isn't great -

"Crank Tooth for Cam Sync

If the cam profile requires a crank tooth to sync on, then this must be set. All known OEM patterns sync on crank tooth 1.

Engine Phase At Sync

This sets the engine phase when the ECU synchronises. This is either the Compression phase or the Exhaust phase."

I take this to mean you specify which crank tooth coincides with the cam position sensor sensing the target (tooth 20 in the case of jpg). Then you just need to confirm whether this on the compression or exhaust phase. So it can be mounted pretty much anywhere.

I would double check with DTA or their forum though...took me multiple reads to understand Motec's version!

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