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Ktuner to Virtual Dyno Tuning WOT

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So I've been doing some datalogging on my civic and when I put it into the virtual dyno (I am using Ktuner for datalogging) , I am not too sure if the data/graph is correct or not, because the whp and torque doesn't seem realistic. I used the method 0 smoothing-6 smoothing to check if my datalog was incorrect. There wasn't a drastic change to the numbers. The road I am tuning on is good and the weather condition was pretty perfect. If you would like to see my datalogs. I have provided the Data which is attached below.


Attached Files

The car is a 2020 civic sport.

I did the WOT pull in 3rd gear as well.

Yes my mistake on the gear and WOT, it's why I deleted my original post.

Having another look at VD and your log. I don't see Civic Sport 2020 in the Car Profiles so you'll likely need to create your own profile with the correct gearing ratios at the very least.

Any idea on how much HP and Torque you expected to see?

I tried configuring VD to look at specific columns and noticed it wasn't loading the entire log.

EDIT: Change the original TPS column heading to TPS.old and rename TPS.CMD to just TPS and reload the file. This produced a much nicer graph. See attached. Petersmoua_Modified_Log_2stp-5300-rpmVER2 (It's still ending the run at 6708 rpm so something is trigger the end of WOT run)

What I did was edit the information in the TPS column. Notice how it goes to 104.5 and then drops below 100 percent. I thought this may have been issue so I made all the cells 104.5 up to the end where you let of the gas.

This had a much better effect loading almost the entire log however it still cut some short.

Reviewing the Maf readings I could see that there was a significant drop near then end, like cliff. (Row 652)

So I copied the 125.51 value to 140.2 value row 673 and was able to get most of the log file to load.

The maf values really bounce around quite a bit, I'm not use to seeing that sort of change on a WOT run.

Attached is the modified CSV file for your review and a screen cap of the VD graph.

I've seen graphs like this before if there is a significant amount of tire spin or the road has dips and humps.

Having lots of data is also nice but you might want to consider scaling back on some of the information until you get it sorted out.

This should also improve the polling rate of the data.

Attached Files


I was expecting to see roughly around 100 whp/torque. I'm not expecting much from it but it gave me results that seemed to small. But if that's what I produce then it is what it is, due to the fact the car itself is slow. I am going to try and do more runs, so that I have more data to check if anything is off. I'm not too sure why the MAF increases or decreases like that or why the log cut short so Ill look into that. I'll give an update this week/weekend to see if we are able to resolve this.

Thanks for helping me figure this out, appreciate it a lot.

You're welcome.

It maybe 100hp ... I don't know the Gear ration for 3rd on your model vehicle so it could very well be 100hp.

And VD is still clipping about 100 rpm and 20 g/s of maf values so that maybe you're 100 right there.

For your logging reduce your logging record Time, TPS, TPS CMD, RPM, Maf, Map, Calc Load, AFR or some variation of this (I could find VD minimum logging requirements)

You may not have all those values available for example I do not have MAP sensor on my car so it's only a Maf based.

Remember on your WOT run:

Completely off the Throttle then give it the beans, just smash that go pedal :)

Flat road.

When you hit red line or whatever your cutoff is go completely off throttle.

Come home and trim the log file and load it into VD.

I look forward to your update.

You don't mention your elevation or the ambient temperatures - both those can have a significant affect on the 'power' the engine produces.

If you're at a higher elevation and it's a hot day, you're going to see a lot less than the same vehicle may produce at low elevations and a cold day, so be aware when comparing numbers.

So, I did my tuning again and converted most of the graph similar to how kpro uses their units. I also shaved the data that is not needed for the VD. I am still getting around 70whp with 62ftlb of torque. So I am not sure what is going wrong.

Gord, I usually do my runs at night so the temps are around 68-73 degrees. My elevation is at 30ft above sea level.

If you guys could help me that would be great and I will much appreciate!!

Also I learned that specifically for my car I don't get any access to tables like other vehicles do. For example, I only get Ignition Base, WOT Enrichment and WOT Enrichment Cat Heating. I am not sure what WOT Enrichment/Enrichment Cat heating is or how to tune that at all. I know that Cat heating is supposed to heat the catalyst at a certain point but I am not sure why it does that. So, I hope to learn something from anyone if they have knowledge on wot enrichment/cat heating.

Besides that it, you guys can look at the dyno graph and the csv file if you wish to help.

Attached Files

Well that log file looks much better IMO anyway.

I think I found issue, its because (I believe) you've not entered the correct Tire Size.

I went and looked up the Specs for a 2020 Civic Sport Manual and the tire size is 235/40R18

If you use the Tire Size Calculator which is the little blue square next to where you entered the value 18 for the tire height.

This will allow you to calculate the true height of the tire including the height of the actual tire not just it's wheel diameter.

See a screen clip I've attached. I believe you'll be a little happier about the result.

I'm also curious why you start your WOT run at 3000 rpm? Does the engine lug badly below that in 3rd gear? (Mine does but its a Rotary engine so a bit different)

Attached Files


Yes, It fixed everything. I didn't even know that the VD had that option. Thank you so much for that!!!

The reason I WOT at 3000rpm is because it does lug that bad. It really struggles below 3000 to get up to speed. I've tried 2000-2500 rpm range but it is even worse so 3000rpm is the sweet spot. I haven't tried 4000 yet, so I will be doing that soon however, since I know that I don't get the tuning tables I need from the head unit to make adjustments, not to sure if I want to keep datalogging. But I am still researching on how to tune the WOT Enrichment/Cat Heating.

Really appreciate you helping me figure out my problem!

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