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Novice tuner here, spent the weekend watching 4 courses and got it to idle and restart in 45 min. (30secvideo) 91 MR2 V6 SC

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Hello from Ft. Lauderdale,

I'm typing with one arm since I got a recent surgery and have a-lot of time on my hands. lol.

So, I pulled the trigger and bought 6 courses after years of wanting to buy just the practical standalone course and it was beyond worth it. I have a background in auto repair and some fabrication and am in the process of building a Frankenstein. The tuning was always a bit of a mystery to me as there are so many settings, windows and engineering jargon to work through.

Nevertheless, After 3/6 courses completed, it really came together as I watched further and am super excited to see what this year will bring as I finally invest more time and money to making this a finished project.

I think I need to learn more about acceleration enrichment...

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  • 144757897_10160469284570830_5971366664965421246_n-v2.jpg
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  • MR2-V6SC-w-MS3-IDLE-HPA-course-1weekend-n-30-min-idle-tune.mp4
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

  • no-tune.mp4
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

Nice work, looks like a fun project

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