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Tech Edge wide band review

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Hi everyone

Im looking at getting my first WB and have been checking out the Tech Edge 3B1


is any one using this unit or have much experiance with it ?

would it be good for changing from one car to another while street tuning ?


I have the older model (2B0) of this on my troopcarrier and have had since about 2008. The 2B0 was a good unit although it did, on occasion, show inaccurate readings. Actually a few times the readout appeared to be stuck even though using a Silicon Chip wideband display showed the O2 sensor to be cycling as it should have been.

With regards to moving it from one car to another for tuning, most of these things are the same in that they are awkward but having said that some people have more patience than others for swapping things from one car to another.


I have a Motec PLM on my four wheel drive Dyno but use a Techedge 3B1 as well for tuning, With Nistune software it links with a USB, I use the 5 volt output for tuning aftermarket ECU's, .

I use two wibebands to make sure they both read the same, I have had differences between them.

I do like that the 3B1 has 0-5 volt input, inputting knock so it's logged is great.

Setting up the Motec PLM wibeband CAN will be done on one of my slow days.

Techedge delivery and support is slow at best Support can be very non responsive, but the unit's are good.


I have had a Techedge 2Co with a platinum sport haltech for a few years.

I have never had a malfunction.

Thanks guys

I like that they seem to be really into the technology and not so much hyping there products with mass advertising

but yeah things do seem a little quiet

still thinking im gonna give them ago

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