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Throttle position sensor calibration

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I noticed in the video that the calibration showed .1% at closed throttle. Is this an issue or do you simply set the idle settings to start above this value. I have noticed in my car that the value of the TPS will read differently when the engine is hot. WOT doesn't change, however, I have seen the throttle sitting at 1% with a warm engine. I essentially recalibrate this as close throttle so it doesn't mess with the idle with a cold or warm engine since 1% throttle isn't typically used. Are there any issues, challenges, or complications with setting up the TPS this way?

I'm not sure if you're referencing the body of the course or one of the worked examples. In the perfect world you 'should' see 0% at closed throttle but often there will be some small variation of perhaps 0.1-0.2%. You shouldn't be seeing a variation from hot to cold of 1% though. That suggests something is moving around with heat expansion. The key really is having a reliable TPS value that can indicate to the ECU that throttle is closed so it can go into idle control.

Thanks for the reply. I am working to change to a drive by wire throttle setup to update some other items that should also address this issue hopefully. Having the higher idle threshold has worked so far until I get everything else swapped out.

The video was on the megasquirt ecu set up video on the worked example of the standalone tuning course however, I have noticed it on several other ECU videos as well. Typically 1% or less unless idle control was involved.

Thanks for the help

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