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Turbosmart Electronic wastegate being released in january

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I am just about to set up a co2 based boost control and was going to move from Link g4+ thunder to Haltech Elite 2500T to be able to do that properly.

Racing season for me does not start for another 7 months or so :)

But then I see that Turbosmart have released new electronic wastegates which should be available in january


But I wonder though if the last part of that release article is not accurate , that is that a 20 amp PWM control is required and not an H bridge

I have not got a response to my e-mail which I sent Turbosmart

And wondered if anyone here had heard some more details on these Electronic wastegates

yeah i dont think we will know till next year allso link thunder can do the c02 controll as far as i know

As far as I am aware there is no strategy in link where you can have two solenoids , one for boost increase and the other for bleed/decrease.

only way I had thought of doing it was with a static needle valve to bleed off the WG and a single solenoid to increase pressure on top of the dome.

I've not had a lot of tuning experience with Electronic Wastegates myself, however they have been used in the OEM world and Motorsport for quite some time.

Not many of the cheaper aftermarket ecu's out there at the moment have the correct parameters to control them 'properly' IMO.

In regards to the H-bridge v PWM question id be interested to see what Turbosmart recommend, but the answer can technically be both.

In the ECU's i use, when the Electronic Wastegate mode is enabled, your base duty map has a range of -100% to 100%, this represents the motor being driven fully in either direction (i.e fully open and fully closed.) when using 2 outputs.

It can be configured to run on a single output, the -100% to 100% is then scaled to at 0% to 100% PWM output duty.

Im sure it'll do well for Turbosmart as a lot of people in the tuning world arent aware of the technology, even though its been heavily used, and is rather common in to Automotive world, its nothing ground breaking so to speak.

Syvecs already supports electronic wastegates, too.

Yes and no, they don't have the full Life Racing implementation in all of the ECU's out the box for Elec Wastegate. The hardware is there (to 10A) and you can use Aux PWM/Supercharger Bypass Valve/Custom table work arounds etc.


any news on this? Anybody seen some documentation.or wiring info?

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