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Advice Please , Best way to lean out Idle with big injectors

Link G4 Plus Software Tutorial

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Hi all, have an SR20DET with ID 1300x injectors and a rather large Walbro fuel pump, set of mild cams and E-Throttle, I’m not going to tune the car myself, will be using a pro dyno tuner, but I need to sort the idle and if possible lean cruise as I have to bed my clutch in Before any big power runs and also iron out a few small bugs, I have the Link Wide Band lambda and managed to configure everything to start and run etc of a Plug-in base map and sorted the E-Throttle.

Engine is running super rich at around .7 Lambda (299kpa base fuel pressure) even with the Master fuel MS dropped to 4MS was around 16MS, I’ve tried the auto tune feature but it seems to stall the engine or idle begins to hunt when adjusting the load cell to target lambda.

Hope this makes sense!

You could try the master fuel trim (just below the master fuel), this gives finer adjustment than the master fuel. You will need to keep it on the rich side however say around 0.9 - dont try to get it down to lambda 1 as it likely wont be happy until the rest of the tune is decent.

Cool, I’ll have a go at removing some fuel via the master trim! I’d be more than happy with .9 Easy! Thanks mate

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