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Hello from Thessaloniki in Greece!

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Hello everyone,

I’m from Thessaloniki is the second biggest city of Greece, and Ι’ am graduate Mechanical Engineer. I start occupation with ecu from my University of Western Macedonia that we made a race team Tyφoon Motoracing Team and we involve to a international competition Motostudent . We designed and constructed a ptototype moto3 250cc and we race to Aragon in Spain . I work to the electrical and ecu sector with a Link G4+ ATOM which we taκe like sponsorship from Link. Now I start like project my car, to take more knowledge on mapping. My car is a BMW E30 with m42B18 engine. The ecu that I choose is a Link G4+ Monsoon. I want to learn as many as I can about ecu mapping different ecu and reflashing.

Best regards,

Petros MS

Welcome to HPA Petros,

I look forward to seeing your project progress

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