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Measuring and adjusting toe

Motorsport Wheel Alignment Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wheel Alignment Fundamentals

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Maybe it's just me.

When measuring toe, beginning at time stamp 3:21 Andre is measuring toe on the right front wheel. Measurements are:

38MM at the from edge and 41MM at rear edge. He said this is "toe out". Since the front edge is essentially "pointing more in", or towards center when compared to the rear edge, isn't this "toe in"?

Same as in measuring after adjustment: measurements were, 39MM at front edge, and 40MM at rear edge. Stated this as "toe out". Again, isn't this "toe in" when front is closer towards center of vehicle?


I haven't watched the video, but either you made a mistake in typing that or you are miss-interpreting the figures. Measured from an external, parallel string, they are both toe-out.

Actually, I'm too used to thinking of the "more forward figure" being less than the "rear figure, and this being toe in. But I've not used the external string method. So, you're right, the forward figure being less than the rear figure is toe out.


Yup, you have to literally think 'inside-out', I'm also used to the inside measurements, so sometimes have to double think it.

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