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Hey team,

We have just integrated an autoplay feature after high demand.

This should automatically work on Google Chrome. However Firefox and Safari disable autoplay on websites by default.

If you want to use this feature on Safari or Firefox, you will have to allow our website. 

Here are some resources on how to do this:

Safari: https://techhelpkb.com/allow-websites-to-auto-play-video-in-safari/

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/block-autoplay

Any questions, Let me know.

- Jono

Hi there when using auto play in full screen mode whenever the next video plays it exits out of full screen. (More if a annoying than anything else) This may be a setting issue with my laptop any help would be appreciated.

Regards Michael smit

Hey Michael,

We looked into this when we were creating it, and unfortunately it seemed like that functionality just wasn't available. Our developer wasn't able to find a solution to make it work.

Apologies for that!

- Jono


Same challenge I have. I run 1,5x or 2x speed and full screen. Every new module and window refresh. Find it very stressful and take the motivation out of me. I just want to sit back relax and feed my brain with HPA knowledge with no interruption.

Please look in to this once more.


I would agree with BentAasen that this is somewhat irritating. I sent an inquiry to Vimeo about this to see if there are any browser settings that might help us.

Here is something possibly for the developer


Best Regards


Hey Team,

I agree. This is something we are aware of and it frustrates us in house as well.

Unfortunately there is some limitations in browser that stops us from implementing an easy solution.

However, we will be working this year to implement a new video presentation page, which will include a full width video.

In the mean time, here is a chrome extension I have found that can keep the video speed between refreshes, all you have to do is change a setting on the app: [url=https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-speed-controller/nffaoalbilbmmfgbnbgppjihopabppdk?hl=en]https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-speed-controller/nffaoalbilbmmfgbnbgppjihopabppdk?hl=en

See the images attached on how to change the settings.

Apologies that we can't provide a good solution straight away, but it's definitely something we are aware of and are working on :)


Attached Files

So I received a response back from Vimeo, seems there is no fix we can do on our end as viewers (as you probably all well know). They recommended creating an embedded playlist they provided me a support ticket # and a link to a guide video to pass on to you, please let me know if you want me to pass that on or post here. It seems to me google has some limiting policys for autoplay to boot. As I didn't want to go to deep down the rabbit hole, I think its best I stop here. All that said love the content and am looking forward to the new platform your working on and that Cummins worked example. Keep up the good work.

Best Regards

Hello ,

autoplay is not working on chrome iOS 16.1 (won’t move to next, AirPlay from iPhone 14 pro max to lg oled tv)

also not working on android chrome latest version (next video plays just just audio, no Video)

Attached Files
  • trim.56FD3F7B-C6C6-4329-BDFF-8E3139A20ADB.MOV
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

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