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Hi guys i have standard sr20ve i have put sr16 ve cams in it.now i can not get it to rev out past 6500 have swapped computer's to sr16ve and still the same problem this is with wot .if the car is moving somtimes can get it to rev to 7200. Has any one had this problem.

I've never had this issue, but I've run SR16VE N1 cams in a SR20VE head before, with no problems.

My first step would be (if not done yet...) :

1. Recheck Camshaft Timing

2. Check Ignition Timing (dizzy is driven by camshaft)

3. Check for leak in the piping.

thanks for info do you have a ecu wirring diagram,as i cannot find one. sr20ve p11 .the engine was brought with a engine harness and ecu but i think the ecu is not getting the right signals.found vvl solinnoids where not powed up also found no speed sensor signal and temp wasnt getting a signal now when i hook up the temp signal the car runs very rich black smoke comming out the exhaust pipe.i dont have a dlc3 connector either to read codes.engine is in a n14 pulsar used for speedway.if i disconect the speed senor the car revs to 7ooo.is this a default setting.

It sounds like you've got a bunch of potential problems to work through here. It may be that the ECU is running in a limp home mode and artificially limiting the fuel/ignition/rpm. Checking the DTCs would be a smart first step. Beyond this I'd suggest getting it on a dyno to actually see what is going on.

thanks andre one question.the car needs to be warm for the vvl to work what sensor shound it be hook to temp sender to gauage witch is single pin or the sender for fans which is double pin .which one should go to ecu.if i had i wirring diagram i would be able to work it out .it has been a fun project and the car is doing very well in its class would just like everthing working.once again thank for info love this site one day i will be able to aford the next traning package.

hi guys found the problem the ecu is going into fuel/speed cut as ecu is speed limited to 180k.no sure why this is happening in seconed gear at 5000rpm the ecu is reading that it is doing 180kph.can some one help me not running instrument cluster.this is a standard ecu.

Maybe the gearbox speed sensor (AU N14?) is not matched to what the ECu is expecting

GA16, N14 SR20 and N15 SR20 all had different speed sensors

Easy option would be don't let the ECU see the speed sensor at all

I can't help thinking something else is wrong - it rev'ed out to 7,200 with stock cams and after changing to N1 cams it won't rev out - if that's all that changed I would have thought there is a cam timing and/or solenoid problem. How did you setup the timing on the N1 camshafts when you can't see the timing chain on the crank index? Did you let the timing chain dangle? It could have skipped a tooth on the crank...

thanks for info found the issue it was no speed sensor signal getting to ecu.working fine now.

Good to hear

In stock form the VE had something like 140kw

The N1 cams will give you a bit more but you really need to get it tuned now to get the best out of it

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