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HP Tuners VCM Scanner, LMM Duramax, E35b OS: 12628594

Practical Diesel Tuning

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Greetings Nick, I have extracted a lot of value out of this course, so big thanks to you guys for doing this. I have overcome a lot of hurdles over the last 4 years of working with HPT software to tune my LMM Duramax. There is one thing I cannot figure out and I'm hoping maybe you've come across this issue before.

I cannot log main injector pulse width; I can't add it as a PID channel, and I can't add it as a parameter for a graph OR a time chart. Just in case anybody needs a list of channels or some graphs for an LMM Duramax, here is what I created for myself, except as you will see, the injector pulse width histogram does not work, and there is no channel for it. (See attachment). As an aside, I remember about 3 years ago, a local tuner was able to monitor pulse width on a time chart using VCM scanner, on this same truck, so I KNOW it is possible somehow. Is there a mathematical function one could use to calculate actual main injector pulsewidth and use it as a parameter in a graph or chart? Let me know what you think, I would really appreciate your input, thanks.

Holland Potash,

Similkameen Diesel Development, Cawston, BC, Canada.

Attached Files

Update: HP Tuners engineering department is going to look into it for me. Will report their findings.

Glad to hear Holland, sounds like something they'll have better luck with than I will :)

I've not logged an LMM with HPT, I use EFIlive on those platforms FWIW,


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