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LSA engine harness worked example?

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Hello all. Been searching, but can’t seem to find if anyone has shared a worked example of either an LS engine harness or LSA. I’m hoping to save myself some time measuring and estimate how much material to buy. If none exists, I will try to document mine thoroughly for others to use. Thanks for your time.

I think you will still have to measure and document your own harness design. But here is the Engine Harness drawing with dimensions in inches from an LS3 Harness I built.

Note, this is a mid-engined car, with the bulkhead connector near the front of the engine.

Attached Files

Something like this is perfect, I just want to get in the ballpark for now. Thank you so much!

I just remembered another unusual thing about that setup. The intake manifold is mounted "backwards", so the DBW Throttle is wired to the flywheel end of the engine instead of the front.

I noticed that. Mainly I just want to double check my initial "design" to make sure I'm not forgetting any of the inputs/outputs for the ECU. I think I've got it all figured out, now it's time to start planning the branches and all that. Thanks again!

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