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PDM60 for Auxiliary circuits

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Hi Guys,

I am considering this http://pdm60.com/ or its successor http://pdm60.com/news/new-amplink-pdm/ for the auxiliary systems of a rally car (cabin fan + light, intercom, camera charger, 12v aux, ect). Being US-made and directed to the motorcycle world, I expect decent quality and reliability. Integrating in the car should be quite straightforward, common trigger (ignition, dedicated, or ECU driven over voltage or delay) should be enough for those systems, since most of them have their switches anyway, it's available in Europe for reasonable cost and i got positive response from their support.

Has anyone tried them?

I am leaning more towards the PDM60, due to cost, avaibility and simplicity (program once and forget), compared to the Bluetooth + app AMP link.

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