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Cobb Accesstuner requirement - HPA?

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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When attempting to download the Cobb Acesstuner software it wants to send us to EFI University for a $150 class.

Will the HPA Cobb worked example class also satisfy this requirement?

Try reaching to COBB, explain the situation to them. Maybe they will grant you the software.

Lol no.. they worked together

They wont give unless we passed their courses.

hi right now is not possible download the cobb accesstuner from cobb page i want to tune my mazdaspeed 3 or i have to take EFI University class first to get the software ?

I've been competing for several years, using the stage 3 OTS tune that came with my accessport. But recently, the class I complete in has a new sponsor, HPtuners!

My goal is to recreate my own "stage 3" tune and load it on my HPtuners MPVI3.

Any help is appreciated!!

Unfortunately the EPAs outlook on end user tuning in the United States required the removal of end user tunable COBB software, so that product is no longer offered. Those who already have it are still able to use it, but COBB cannot give out more copies of software.

For Don, that COBB tune included a series of features and settings related to COBB custom tables and code which are rather extensive so it cannot really be replicated with other software. You can certainly tune the car with HP Tuners though if you choose to.

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