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Holden Astra VXR

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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Hey guys, one of my customers has a VXR Astra we are looking to tune via the factory ecu.

Hp tuners look to have a very complete definition for this model. I'm just wondering if anyone has tuned one and how much of the theory/practice from tuning the LS V8s can be carried over. I think they actually share the same ecu as the v6 alloytec. Any tips or tricks would also be great.

Thanks in advance.


I haven't had the opportunity to tune the Astra so can't comment on it specifically. I've tuned a few Alloytec V6's in Commodores though and in that particular application the definitions and hence the amount of control that is available was quite limited. It does depend on exactly what you're trying to do. For a basic tune to suit some bolt on parts like an intake and exhaust you'll be just fine. You may struggle if you're adding forced induction or cam swaps though. The last V6 I tuned was several years back so it's possible the definitions have improved since then.

Much of the ECU layout and tuning technique is the same as the LS V8 so what you learn from the worked examples on the V8 will still be helpful.

Thanks for the reply Andre.

This model is actually turbocharged from factory so its a bit different.

Ah that makes things easier. As i said, I'm not familiar with the Astra so it's hard to be too specific. If you do get involved, please let us know how you get on as others may benefit from what you learn.

How did the reflashing go with the vxr in the end?

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