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torque tables

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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where is the tq table and driver demand courses for drive by wire system ?

We don't have a specific course on the tables you've referenced because not every OE system deals with these elements in the same way. Instead we cover the requirements if and when required in the specific worked examples. Have you got some specific questions as I may be able to help you here?

yes , going from 300 hp setup to 1000++hp setup in an 07 mustang so these tables are going to cause all kinds of issues. going from a twin 55mm throttlebody to 170mm elliptical. engine setup is all topshelf, custom cams, 149mm intake feeding blower etc... oh and swapped from manual to built 6 speed auto. from what Ive learned from going thru these modules, i havent gained much as I already knew how to scale injectors and scale the maf

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