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Suspension adaption vs Power

Suspension Tuning & Optimization

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Discussion and questions related to the course Suspension Tuning & Optimization

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Hello everyone ,

I would like to talk about how to address set up vs power . What I mean is lets say we are at a track/uphill/downhill etc. which you might be familiar or not , and are taking a newly set up car . The car has a turbo installed so power can be adjusted either have more or less as well as adjustable arms , camber plates , coilovers , etc. , so adjustability is also apllicable . Start the first sesion at x power and y adjustment . And you can feel as a driver or even better log the performance of the car and see where you can gain .

Were would you start to get a better result in the next sessions ? Would you try adding or reduce a little bit of boost and adjust the suspension setting as well or start just from the suspension ?


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