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242 | Harmonic Dampers

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Harmonic dampers and dual mass flywheels... We all know the positive effect a damper has on an engine... But using a pulley damper on an engine allow you to remove Dual Mass Flywheels and go single? Do DMF protect engine damage caused by harmonics or its there to dampen the vibration transfering to gearbox and helping for smother clutch engagement and lower idle/lower noise????

I assume you're asking because Porsche use a dual mass flywheel and are looking at removing the heavy mass?

As a general rule, the crankshaft is undergoing twisting through the whole length, and the damper can only dampen one end, so the dual mass flywheel is the damper on the other end.

For the most part, this works well, but I know Porsche found that a single mass flywheel resulted in excessive wear to some of the crankshaft bearings, and so they had to use them, even though the result was increased crankshaft inertia which kills response.

my main problem is i cant find a clutch solution... all the clutch kit i have tried are slipping from the torque or they wear out really really quickly. i was looking to go single mass to install a twin disc clutch.. but i dont want to affect my engine reliability.. i already installed an extra damper on the front but i am really confused about the flywheels.... There are companies state that dmf are there to stop the harmonics from reaching the gearbox and damaging it.. Also engines like mine are not using from stock front pulley dampers.. That means that they are not needed? We have many damages indicating harmonics..

Exactly what engine and transmission are you using, and how much torque is going through it?

A clutch specialist may be able to build a custom clutch for you with an uprated diaphram?

i have a 997 c2s 3.8 engine (natural aspirated from stock) which has a g40-1150 darton sleeves and forged internals. The gearbox is from a 986 boxster S. The engine is making 700nm at the moment and the sachs performance doesnt like it. A stiffer clutch plate is the alternative my concern there is the extra load on thrust bearings.

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