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MAF calibration MED controller

WinOLS Mastery: Map Identification & Editing

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Hey Andre,

So in the course you mention that for the Bosch MED controller the MAF scaling is handled by a linearization table.

This is much different to what we're accustomed to from the practical reflashing course where the MAF calibration curve is usually a 2D curve with MAF voltage/frequency vs g/s airflow.

My question is does a table like this exist in the Bosch MED controller? If the answer to that is NO then do we solely use the linearization table to ensure we are hitting our open and closed loop targets?

Can I have a response to this from a tutor please

No, the linearisation table is what you would want to change if you're seeing discrepancies in your fuel trims. While the table is a little different to a MAF calibration table, the process of optimising it is really no different.

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