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Anti Lag Valves

Boost Control

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Discussion and questions related to the course Boost Control

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Does anyone know much about the new Turbosmart Antilag Valve, and its control/operation?

I'm off the understanding it's an air bypass valve, sending charge air to the exhaust manifold under closed throttle, but how exactly are we to control that?

For example, what will be used to arm the valve and give a permissive for its operation?

Secondly, what is the tuning strategy when it's in use, do we need to default to a specific fuel table that over fuels whilst the valve is bypassing air to the exhaust to enable a combustion event?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


It will vary based on the ECU you are using, however most now have specific antilag maps and recovery modes etc. You can control the valve action with a solenoid.

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