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CAN Bridge / Power Supply

CANBus Communications Decoded

Relevant Module: Worked Examples > Network Setup - Link ECU to AiM Dash > Step 4: Program Devices to Transmit Required Data

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Discussion and questions related to the course CAN Bus Communications Decoded

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What components are you using to make your CAN Bridge? Also what Model power supply are you using for bench testing ?

i made my own utilizing a stm32g4 mcu and some supporting hardware.

been working on the framework for the past month or so, will be revealing it at PRI for people to see.

3 CAN buses , software definable termination resistors, all programmed in C (but with very easy to use framework to avoid adding complications for newcomers to the programming world)

Mitch, what is your company name / booth # at PRI? I will try to stop by to check it out.

I'm just walking around. I'll be in a Hpacademy hooded sweatshirt all.3 days to make it easy to find me :)

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