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Injector Sizing

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Good Afternoon all,

I wrote a small piece of software that uses the formulas learned in the EFI Tuning Fundamentals Course for sizing injectors.

I wanted to double check the results

For a 400 hp target with a V6 using 6 injectors and N/A my required cc/min is 398. Would that be correct?



That's in the ball park.

Excellent! Thank you for the quick response Dave. I find the software saves some time when running the calculations.

I actually used an app on my phone (there are several web calculators as well) to check your numbers...

That's about the number I got from all the calculators I used when sizing my injectors.

Great! Thank you for your reply.

I will be releasing a beta of the calc software in a few weeks if you want a copy to play around with.



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