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Seriously I paid for this

EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course EFI Tuning Fundamentals

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Seriously I paid for this I know all this shit and everyone that's touching a car or trying to tune one better know this shit too why are you just talking about stuff thats should be a given get to the point bust out the laptop and show us how to change tables properly and what to look for and to adjust or are you just gonna keep your talking about engine 101

That's why it is fundamentals mate. Its for starting from the ground up.

Start watching all the webinars from the very start which is included in your Gold membership and I am sure you will learn heaps.

Ah, Nick, perhaps you should just ask for the refund now...

You seem like the sort of person who doesn't actually want to learn so you understand what you're doing, but just want to know what to do. If you actually did "know all this shit", not only would you have felt no need for the course in the first place, but you wouldn't be asking questions that clearly show you DON'T "know all this shit"...

I've been around the business, off and on, for just on 45 years - and there're points I forgot, or wasn't aware of, coming up at different times. Sometimes there's a peculiarity of a specific engine, hardware, or software package one wasn't aware of.

Grown-ups understand that they don't "know all this shit", and that they will be learning all their lives - doesn't mean they will always agree, but they understand the disagreement.

Refund option is announced in every course introduction - if you don't need the course just get your money back and don't waste others time complaining about stuff YOU don't want...

Mastery is knowing and having a full grasp of the fundamentals.

You can't "change tables" without understanding the physics behind the tables.


It seems like the "Practical Standalone / Reflash" Course is what you were expecting from the fundamentals course, understand HP Academy designed their curriculum in a traditional way, not unlike a standard college curriculum would be with EFI Fundamentals being the 101 course. I also would strongly recommend you go back and complete said fundamentals course - because the likelihood of you knowing much of anything beyond the Fundamental Electronics section is slim-at-best.

The fact you're asking for them to "get to the point bust out the laptop and show us how to change tables properly" shows how much you overlooked in the fundamentals course, because about 40-50% of what you'll be doing when tuning / retuning is right in the fundamentals section - I think you have a certain misconception about what tuning is, and I recommend you lose whatever notion you think you know and go back and pick up wherever you left off in the fundamentals course. Unless you can pass the quiz in each section on your first try, you're a far ways off from being ready for the Practical Tuning courses.

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