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2jzgte trigger resistors

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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was just wondering why some people need to add pull up resistors to get clean consistent trigger patterns and some don't ?

Usually you only use pull-up resistors for digital trigger sensors that switch to ground, either hall effect or optical. The 2jzgte has VR sensors I'm pretty sure so there shouldn't be any need for pullups. Have you got any build thread links or anything where people have needed to use them? Iiiiiinteresting.

Well i found, that the stock wirring harness 20-25Year old is not at its best condition, causing very noisy signals from VR sensors. Also worn-out or basicly faulty Alternator, can cause some issues. Also on some engines (not on 2JZ) the OEM wirring does not respect the difference between Signal ground and car ground. It makes sense to add some 1-2kOhm resistors between signal ground and signal input of the CAM/CRANK VR sensors, but it is always better to use high quality shielded and twisted wire, so do i, and i never needed pull down on new wirring done by me.

In short : Using pulldowns is mainly "curing" issue, but not the cause.

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