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aem 5v wideband analog to haltech elite 750

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Hi I trid to conect the Aem wait wire to anlalog in elite 750 but it likes not woring I enable the wideband 1 and wire it to PIN NO A2 but still not working its stock at 0.85 lamda

any help please

G'day Quassim.

Which AEM wideband controller do you have?

Their inline controller has both a positive (+) and negative (-) analogue output. You need to wire the positive output to the input channel on the ecu, and the negative output to the sensor ground of the ECU.


thanks Tutor for you help

the AEM wideband I have is 30-5130

You mean the Wait wire go analog and the brown wire gos to sensor ground !!!!

Yes, you want to connect the white wire to the input channel on your 750, and splice the brown wire into the sensor ground on the 750. The AEM generates a differential output, so by connecting the brown wire to your sensor ground wire, you're telling it what zero volts is, so it knows what voltage to generate on its white wire, the analogue output.

Great man Thanks for your great help

Regards ,

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