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Battery Grounding Scheme

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Wiring Fundamentals

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My battery sits in the engine bay, very close to the block. I was planning to run a cable from the battery -ve to the block. Then from this same location on the block to the chassis. Is this sufficient? So the only path back to battery -ve is via the block.

I’ve seen some suggestions that I also need to connect the chassis directly to the battery. I’m not sure why this would be necessary.

What you propose will be fine. The ground path is from the chassis to the cable connection to the battery.

Thanks! Is it also ok for the 2 cables to mount to slightly different positions on the block? I assume that all locations on the continuous block casting are considered equivalent?

In theory yes, but now you have two connections that could have a voltage drop (probably small, but if you use the same point, you've cut the risk in half).

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