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control servo motor using m150

EFI Wiring Fundamentals

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from diagram below.i want to use servo to control DRS of my fsae project but i didn't want to add Arduino to my project.so i use pull up on low side output to sen 5v and control duty cycle of pwm via. low side output for controlling angle of the servo connect signal- to son 0v. will it work or does it has some drawback or maybe less complicated diagram for this application.

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That is not what the Sensor 5V and 0V are designed for, and using it this way has the potential to skew the behavior of any other sensor connected to that 5V rail as well as damaging the 5V rail by drawing more current through it than it is designed to supply.

Why can you not use the HB outputs if you need a high side signal to control the servo?

the servo has 4 wire and 2 of them are permanently powered (12v, ground ).the others 2 are used as pwm signal that control angle of the servo by control duty cycle of pwm(which is 5v signal) but the HB output is 12v and 0V right so it might damage servo.and i think for servo to get a signal 0 or 1 it doesn't draw that much of the current right because the servo are already powered by 12v supply.

Are you aiming to have the DRS in different positions, or is it going to be either open of closed?

If you would post the specific servo(s) you're considering, so the signal current can be checked?

Yes,it just open and close.

for current draw should i try them on arduino first and see how much current draw on pwm signal output and then calculate what size of the pull up resistor i should use for motec sen5V(rated 200mA)

If it is just a switched output that is needed, use a Half Bridge to control it, if the voltage needed to drive the solenoid is 5V, make a simple voltage divider circuit to step the voltage down from VBatt+ to the required value. Otherwise I would change the actuator to one that is designed for use on a 12V+ system, rather than using a RC Servo in the manner that it isn't designed for.

thank you so much ill try using HB output.But can m150(gprp) control HB output via simple on/off sw or some logic(from g sensor,brake press etc.)

Yes, you just select the Half Bridge you want to use as the Output Resource for the function that is controlling it.

I try to find output resource for controlling DRS servo motor like g sensor, brake press etc. but it doesn't seem to have that resource that i need.do you know where I can find resource to control my DRS servo.

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Since you said FSAE, I assumed you would be using M1 Build to create your own function to control a Drag Reduction System. None of the GP packages have any built-in DRS functionality.

You might find that the Nitrous control might be a lot like DRS -- active above a certain throttle position, stops when throttle is lifted, can have an enable button/switch.

so if i wanted to control DRS by button/switch. m1 tune are fine right?

If you just want fully manual control, you could do it directly with the correct actuator, and totally bypass the M1.

Sure, why don't you set the Transmission Brake Output Resource to your half bridge. Then configure a driver switch for the input, and select that switch for the Transmission Brake Switch Index. That should work with all the GP packages.

can frequency of the transmission brake output or nitrous control be set to specific value. i can't see them on these function calibration

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